Weekly Link Love – Edition 68

Research of the Week

Among the working urban poor of Chennai, naps are more effective than more sleep at night.

In the Netherlands, those drinking between 5 and 15 grams of ethanol—or one standard beer, glass of wine, or drink—each day had the highest chance of reaching 90 years of age.

Of milk and health.

Tone deaf? Blame your parents.

Brown fat linked to better metabolic health and lower blood pressure.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Primal Blueprint podcast

Episode 403: Dr. Mark Hyman: Host Elle Russ chats with the man himself, Dr. Mark Hyman.

Primal Health Coach Institute podcast

Primal Health Coach Radio, Episode 47: Laura and Erin chat with Sam Miller, who likes to keep it super simple.

Media, Schmedia

A medical imaging office goes vegan for a month and loses weight, mostly muscle.

Interesting Blog Posts

Did the rest of the world luck out because the coronavirus hit China first?

How to reduce deaths on the road.

Social Notes

Important reminder.

How to eat in a Chinese city on medical lockdown.

Everything Else

The latest Alzheimer’s drug trial fails. “We don’t have anything now.” Maybe try the root cause?

Researcher explores the origin of the common Inuit genetic variant that inhibits ketosis.

I get that IPAs are getting out of hand, but this is ridiculous.

Ancient dates sprout.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Podcast I enjoyed doing: Max Lugavere’s Genius Life, where we chatted metabolic flexibility.

Sad news: Dr. Richard Veech passes. RIP.

I simply can’t get my mind around this: A third of British dog owners hope to feed their dogs vegan meals.

Some good, albeit preliminary news: Coronavirus does not appear to affect pregnancy.

Interesting article: Does the nuclear family need revamping?

Question I’m Asking

Do you think the nuclear family model is outdated? How would you update it, if at all?

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Feb 8 – Feb 14)

Comment of the Week

“Plus workers have to get up so damn early to milk all the almonds!”

– It really is a terrible industry, Lisa.

The post Weekly Link Love – Edition 68 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

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