Weekly Link Love – Edition 66

Research of the Week

How evidence-based are the official diet guidelines?

Hyperinsulinemia induces insulin resistance.

Africans may have Neanderthal ancestry, too.

New review on low-carb diets for cardiovascular disease (it’s good).

They found Pliny the Elder’s cranium.

Eating sprouted potatoes during pregnancy may have consequences for the offspring.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 401: Keith and Michelle Norris: Elle Russ chats with Keith and Michelle Norris, founders of Paleo f(x).

Primal Health Coach Radio, Episode 45: Laura and Erin chat with Julie Raich Dieme about building online health programs.

Subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Media, Schmedia

Santa Cruz decriminalizes plant and fungi entheogens.

The Department of Veterans Affairs is testing keto for type 2 diabetes patients. Hell yeah.

Interesting Blog Posts

How might a vegan diet affect your intelligence?

The definitive guide to microworkouts.

Social Notes

Certainly sounds preposterous.

A good thread on local food’s carbon footprint.

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder.

Everything Else

Blocked arteries may not warrant stents.

Peaceful standoff.

How stress turns hair white.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Case study series that pleased me to see: Using ketogenic diets to curb binge-eating and food addiction—looks like “restrictive fad diets” can actually help.

Job opening I think some of you should apply for: Help out the Nutrition Coalition. Another job opening that’s close to home.

I’m coming to terms with the realization that they’ll never stop pumping out these ridiculous studies: Will a week of keto damage you?

Interesting coronavirus research: It depletes selenium and may target Asian males more aggressively (small sample sizes, though).

I love how they undermine keto even when it works: Restricting carbohydrates “tricks” your body into burning fat.

Question I’m Asking

With Google stopping development of its glucose-monitoring lens and all the other failures and dubious advancements, tech is realizing that biology’s a hard nut to crack. Do you think technology will ever figure out human biology and vault us into sci-fi territory?

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Jan 25– Jan 31)

Comment of the Week

“For the past many years I have tried to find something nice to say to someone every day. An article of clothing, their car, the way they walk, even the smile on their face. Occasionally I will get a brush off which only means that they are suspicious and rightly so in this society. However most of the time it makes someone feel good and always it does so for me.”

– A lot of nice ideas in the comments.

The post Weekly Link Love – Edition 66 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

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