Weekly Link Love — Edition 49

Research of the Week

Despite being at an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, shift workers eat the same number of calories as daytime workers.

In prehistoric Bavaria, babies were drinking animal milk out of clay bottles.

Eating eggs and dairy can’t save the B12 levels of vegetarians.

The monetary value of prayer (or not praying).

Dairy fat is vindicated once again.

Pretty much just humans and a few great apes can recognize themselves in the mirror.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 378: Shawn Wells: Host Elle Russ chats with Shawn Wells, a Registered Dietitian, Certified Sports Nutritionist, and Fellow in the international Society of Sports Nutrition who practiced over a decade as a Chief Clinical Dietitian in acute (hospital) and skilled nursing settings.

Episode 379: Sean Jewell—All About Dark Chocolate: Host Brad Kearns chats with chocolate expert Sean Jewell about choosing the best stuff and avoiding the bad.

Primal Health Coach Radio, Episode 28: Laura and Erin chat with Dr. Greg Kelly about supporting the brain with nutrition, nootropics, and lifestyle.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Media, Schmedia

The U.S. and U.K. are the only two non-developing countries with a falling life expectancy.

A new method may allow us to read damaged scrolls found in the ruins of Mt. Vesuvius. Can’t wait for Homer’s lost rom-com.

Interesting Blog Posts

A way to weigh a whale without a scale.

11 reasons why this trained dietitian is “Team Meat.”

Social Notes

Do it every day.

Everything Else

Meet the energy efficient washing machine which acted as a drug-resistant pathogen reservoir in one German hospital.

Wild children allowed to be wild in nature will come to know, and love, the world.

A stone fridge for meat from 23,000 BC.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

I, too, cannot deny reality: Experts are realizing that “eat less red meat” was actually bad advice.

News I enjoyed: Peter of Hyperlipid goes (mostly) carnivore.

Article I found interesting: The persistent myth of persistent hunting.

I’ll take these “secondary outcomes,” thank you very much: Vitamin C infusions fail to reduce organ failure score or inflammatory biomarkers in sepsis patients, but they do reduce mortality.

Nice essay: Meat is not the environmental problem you think it is.

Question I’m Asking

Will the health authorities ever accept the fact that red meat and high-fat dairy aren’t killing us?

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Sep 29 – Oct 4)

Comment of the Week

“The teen athlete using a high carb diet is plagued with significant increase in dental caries

As a practicing dentist for 47 years, I am stunned by the rapid increase in caries in the otherwise ‘healthy’ teen due to the large increase in refined carbs now encouraged in their sports diets

Dr John G Steuterman
Saint Louis Missouri”

– Important point, Dr. Steuterman. Thank you.

The post Weekly Link Love — Edition 49 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

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