If you’ve been here for any appreciable amount of time, you know how insane my fitness routine used to be.
I used to run 10-20 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY.
A “short ride” would be 100 miles. Uphill.
Rest days? I’d rest when I was physically unable to move.
It wasn’t even a fitness routine because it was counterproductive. It didn’t make me fitter in the holistic sense. I wasn’t even very strong, mobile, or explosive. I was “fit” only in a single domain.
And, sure, I could run and bike and swim long distances faster than most, but it ruined my health as well as took a toll on my family life, my social life, my ability to play and have fun, and my happiness.
These days all those other things are just as important as my ability to churn out physical work, lift heavy things, run sprints, and maintain vitality. Turns out that I don’t have to sacrifice the former to achieve the latter. I can have it all. How?
Well, I had to make some changes, and even today I’m still making them. A new locale has contributed to this evolution, as has a new adventure. (You’ll see me doing it in the video.)
These days I’m committed to a lifestyle that maintains my sharpness, strength and mobility—what will help me continue to live an active and awesome life in the years to come. That looks a bit different than it did fifteen years ago, and it’s more rewarding than ever. Check it out….
Let me know what you think—and what changes you’re making that bring you closer to the sweet spot of strength and well-being. Have a great week, everybody.
The post How My Fitness Routine Has Evolved appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.