Have you been thinking about going keto—or recommitting to a keto routine? Are you looking to lose extra pounds? Enhance your fat-burning ability and metabolic flexibility? Improve your energy levels and general well-being to kick off summer?
Then you’ll want to join us for the June Keto Reset. It’s one month of personal guidance, exclusive resources, and fantastic giveaways. Best of all, it’s totally free. All you do is sign up.
I wrote The Keto Reset Diet to help people reach the pinnacle of metabolic flexibility, where they can harness the power of fat and ketones for energy (along with glucose as needed, of course). It’s another level of metabolic flexibility even beyond the scope of the Primal Blueprint fat burning. I strongly believe that it’s in most people’s best interest to periodically dip into ketosis and do a Keto Reset at least once or twice per year. Of course, as so many of you have learned, it’s possible to achieve tremendous gains to health, body composition, fitness, cognition, and general wellness by following a traditional Primal eating pattern (which puts most people in the range of 50 to 150 grams per day of carbs, give or take). Nevertheless, research and anecdotal evidence continues to shed light on the unique benefits that come from being in a state of ketosis at least some of the time.
My team and I put together this June Keto Reset to offer clear guidance and helpful resources as you go keto, so you’ll begin summer set up for total success….
What You’ll Get
Throughout the month of June you’ll receive two emails a week from yours truly with exclusive guidance, tips, and recipes for going keto the right way. You’ll learn how to optimize fat burning and get the results you’ve always wanted. Heads up: You won’t find these resources on the blog. (And for those of you who did the January Keto Reset Kickoff, the June experience is completely new—from top to bottom, so join us again!)
But that isn’t all. I’ll also send you other food lists, recipes, a Keto Reset Journal and Keto Reset Guide To Calculating Your Macros (a printable guide that you can hang on your refrigerator). You’ll have everything you need for a successful Keto Reset.
Plus, the whole month of June I’ll be running prize giveaways on our social channels and bringing you new Primal- and keto-friendly recipes from Mark’s Daily Apple, Primal Kitchen, and select partners. Finally, I’ll be giving away one GRAND PRIZE (look for the announcement soon!) to one lucky person who signs up for the June Keto Reset.
Simply sign up now at www.primalkitchen.com/pages/keto-reset. Enter your email to register. (You don’t need to purchase anything to participate.)
But don’t delay! Registration closes May 31, 2019, at midnight PDT.
Now For the Deal…
But wait, there’s more! (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.) I’m giving everyone who enrolls a chance to get the Keto Reset Online Mastery Course for FREE (that’s a $147 value) with the purchase of a Primal Kitchen Advanced Keto Kit. You get my absolute favorite keto-friendly products, plus the most comprehensive multimedia educational experience around, designed for anyone interested in the ketogenic diet. It’s an unbelievable deal. If you missed the chance to grab your free course in January, here’s your shot.
Note: You don’t need to purchase anything to participate in the FREE June Keto Reset experience. You can sign up for the Keto Reset Month without taking advantage of the Mastery Course deal.
If you participated in the January Keto Reset Kickoff and took advantage of the Mastery Course offer then, we hope you still join us for the entirely new Keto Reset experience. You’ll find new resources and supports to enhance your keto transition. Plus, through the end of the sign-up period (5/31/19 midnight PDT), you can grab a free box of keto-friendly Coconut Lime Protein Bars free with any $30 purchase on Primal Kitchen.com (a $32.95 value!). Click here to take advantage of that offer or use code FREECLBARS at checkout.
Thanks for being here today, everybody. I hope you join us for the June Keto Reset. I’ve got another post coming up this morning, so stay tuned.
The post Join Us For the FREE June Keto Reset! (Plus, Take Advantage Of An Incredible Deal!) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.