We Want To Share Your Stories (and a Giveaway!)

Success stories will be back in their regular slot next Monday, but for today I want to issue an invitation.

Now that we’ve turned the corner on the first month of the year, I know some of you have already seen big success with Primal or Primal-keto living. And I’d love to share your stories—to help inspire others here and to offer the kind of varied and personal accounts that only reader experiences can. Will you join the hundreds of others who have helped along the way?

Over the years I’ve heard time and again about folks finally taking the plunge because of a story that touched them personally. Maybe they had the information, knew the Primal laws, had read the blog for weeks or months even, but another reader’s account of their journey brought it all home for them. The difficulties that person started with and the amazing transformation that resulted—this was a story they were somehow meant to read. It was what reached them—and put them on their own path to renewed health, more vitality, and a better life.

The fact is, when you share your own story, you never know who you’ll be helping. And that’s an awesome thing.

I’ll add that it doesn’t matter if you’ve reached your ultimate goals yet or are still on your way. If you’re feeling better, eating better, moving better, sleeping better and just living better, that’s what inspires people. I bet there are a whole lot of folks hesitating on the sidelines wondering if they can do this who would love to hear from someone who hasn’t necessarily reached their goal but is on their way—someone who’s a month or two in who can show them that the beginning isn’t as hard as they fear it will be. And that the benefits come sooner than they dare imagine.

Likewise, if you’re someone who went Primal years ago (and even submitted an earlier success story) but continue to live a better life than you dreamed because of the changes you made long ago—we want to hear how you’ve stayed the course, what adjustments you’ve found helpful, what long-term lessons have surfaced over the years. There’s nothing quite like a great update.

So, let me offer an incentive to kick us off…. 

The Giveaway

Anyone who sends me their success story along with photos will be entered to win a $200 gift certificate to Primal Kitchen®. That’s $200 of Primal bucks for all the Avocado Oil, Mayo, Condiments, Dressings, or Collagen you want—your choice.

Want to try our new BBQ or Steak Sauces? Check. How about a full collection of Collagen or Protein Bars? Check. Prefer to stock up on Primal Fuel? Whatever your favorites, you got ’em.

I’ll also choose two additional submissions for a Primal library collection with some of our most popular titles: The Primal Connection, Primal Cravings, Paleo Cooking Bootcamp For Busy People, The Paleo Primer, and Primal Blueprint: Healthy Sauces and Dressings.

Anyone who submits a story will receive a 20% discount they can apply to any purchase from either PrimalKitchen.com or PrimalBlueprint.com.

I’m sure many of you have thought about sending your story in but just haven’t gotten around to it. There is no better time than now.

Write it up and include a few photos—the more the merrier, the bigger the better (since it’s easier to format for the site that way). Including both pre-Primal and post-Primal pics is even better, but isn’t required.

Don’t worry if you’re not a chiseled Adonis. This isn’t a “who’s the most ripped” competition. No matter where you’re at in your transformation,  tell me what going Primal has done for you so far.

How To Do It

I’m looking for interesting and personal tales. Details about your health history, how you found MDA and the Primal Blueprint, what has worked and what hasn’t, what differences you’ve seen in how you look and feel, and anything else you think readers might be able to learn from and you’re open to sharing are welcome. It doesn’t have to be a 3000-word essay, but it’s hopefully more than a few paragraphs. Feel free to be creative with your story format, too. Still, remember, good stories usually have a beginning, a middle, and an end—and honesty is king.

Check out other Success Stories here for ideas on how to write your own story.

Email me your story along with pictures. Please use the subject heading “My Primal Story.” Otherwise, there’s a good chance we might miss your submission.


Anyone in the world can enter.

Additionally, everyone who has submitted a Success Story to Mark’s Daily Apple in the past is free to submit an updated story and new photos.

The Deadline:

Friday, March 8, 2019, midnight PST

How the Winner Will Be Determined:

My staff and I determine which stories and accompanying photos get published on MDA. The winners of the giveaway will be chosen at random from those that are submitted by the deadline.

Thanks, everybody. I’m excited to read what you send—and to share it with our MDA audience. Have a great weekend.

The post We Want To Share Your Stories (and a Giveaway!) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple https://www.marksdailyapple.com/we-want-to-share-your-stories-and-a-giveaway/

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